Jim and Christine
February 17, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Our Story
When friends fall in love you get a story like none other. After years of being with all the wrong people Jim and Christine decided to take a chance on one another and have never looked back. One cold night in the middle of a Polar Vortex the two met up at a bar where no one knew their names. They sat at the end of the bar talking and laughing for hours. A few years later on another cold night Jim decided it was time to turn this love into forever. First the most important of people were asked. While filled with mixed emotions (mostly excitement) Amelia and Madeline told Jim that he could marry their Mom. A few hours later there was a new ornament found on the Christmas tree, and in that moment Christine knew her life would never be the same. Their home and hearts have been filled with joy, laughter, and a whole lot of chaos that they cherish every day!